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Hi it's so nice to meet you!

My name is An Do,


I have always been a active person from a young age, the sky was the limit for me growing up.


However, things weren't always like this, I discovered that one day I would have to live with a disability which would change my life drastically.


My disability (AVM) affects my entire left side of my body such as my hand my left leg  


However, this hasn't stopped me from doing great things in my life time and time again such as performing a full press ups for the first time, I can successfully perform mountain climbers and now clean and presses. 


But I won't stop there, I feel there's still areas that I've yet to explore so I'm going to keep training myself until I'm satisfied with the progress I've made. 

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My Story

My Story

When I first came into he gym for the first time I was 70kg. I thought I was never able to reach my goal weight of 60kg.


For the first year starting at the gym, I was able to loose 3kg with my consistency ensuring that I at least got two weeks out at least in that week, rain or shine I would be there. As the days, went on I was progressing a bit more each day till I hit my first plateau. That's when I decided to find a PT to suit my needs. 


Honestly, I wish I could say it was a easy journey but it was very challenging one because there was a lot of ups and downs and downs. Some days I just wanted to give up because some days I felt like I was getting nowhere on this journey


. However, I remembered what I said to myself when I first started  this journey. I said to myself  if I was able to do a right thing by losing a bit of weight on my own already, I wanted to see how far and long I could go until I'm truly happy with the number on the scale but also how I looked in the mirror.



Since then, I've learnt a lot of things on my journey so far which I would like to work with my future clients and share my experiences to help them reach their goals whatever they wish to achieve when working with me.


My Vision

I want to make the gym a place for everyone no matter their ability. I would like to help/coach people that if they can't do something there's always alternatives to do it. 


If I can go into the gym with a disability and accomplish great things all you have to do is believe in yourself and stop saying I can't and say I can! Because I was able to change my mindset from I can't to I can do this, I can do that and I'm unstoppable 



There are two side to fitness the physical side side and the mental side and to achieve amazing results


I look forward to working with you in the future 

contact num: 07930 103722

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